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Do you know if your business is ‘healthy’? Do you know if the cash flow of your business makes sense? Do you know exactly what you are making per client? Knowing the numbers is to know if you are growing or dying and if you are clueless about the health of your business, you won’t know what you should be doing to grow it. Just like when you have a real health problem, if you don’t get it checked out and have tests done to assess the problem, you won’t have a clear idea of what you’re dealing with. In business it’s exactly the same. That which gets measured is what can be improved.
In this video, Ivan Zoot speaks of the ‘health’ of your business and discusses how you can assess yours. It takes a little bit of work, but when all is said and done, the numbers you come up with will tell you what you need to do next. Ivan breaks it down in a clear and straight forward manner so you can make your own judgement call for your next moves.