Why choose Fuji Paper?
- Can be used for texture and color processing services
- Tear resistant, strong grip and biodegradable
- Proprietary hole pattern for 4x saturation than ordinary end paper
- Pre-folded sheets save wrapping time
Nothing compares to the strength and gentle nature of Fuji Paper end papers for creating today’s hair fashion waves, natural looking body, soft texture and bounce. Manufactured in Japan and distributed by Jatai International, Fuji Paper offers stylists 400% MORE saturation than any other end paper made in the U.S. The patented paper strength and absorbency allow even flow through penetration for hassle-free balanced results. Experience the ultimate end papers that are as gentle to the hair as the solutions used to create them. Eliminating harmful chemicals from the paper production process reduces stress and damage to the hair for long-lasting curl and healthy texture.
Using superior manufacturing materials and processing techniques, Fuji Paper has become the preferred choice for end papers and as a color processing barrier among hair professionals. Envision Fuji Paper in a time-honored setting and source in Kochi, Japan, a place with a long-standing history and proud culture of paper manufacturing. Imagine a time when even emperors used the paper of Kochi, handing down generations of fine paper production in the most ideal of conditions … including the cleanest, clearest water. In the area is the Niyodo River, often referred to as ‘Niyodo Blue’, honored with the highest quality water in Japan. Fuji Paper production consists of a flow of steps that includes this water, each step serving an important purpose. There are no bleaching or harmful chemicals in the manufacturing process.
Sometimes you need third party validation when buying a product. It’s totally understandable when making a purchase. Here are some real life video testimonials from actual users about what they think about Fuji Paper products, what products they use, the benefits they’ve received from the products and how Fuji Paper has enhanced not only their lifestyle but also their family and friend’s lives.
Disclaimer: The people in these videos were in no way paid or incentivized to give these testimonials. These are their true thoughts about Fuji Paper products.
Paper making began in Kochi Prefecture, Japan over 1000 years ago. Due to superior natural resources, Kochi became the perfect place for paper making. This set the tone for what would later be called the ‘Kingdom of Paper.’ In the 10th century Kochi was already known for paper making as specific types of papers such as ‘honshogami’ and ‘sugiwaragami’ were made and dedicated to the Emperor Daigo who used them for recording court rites and official events. Over time the paper industry has developed with the use of improved tools and techniques. In modern times, Kochi continues to produce a variety of quality paper products which includes Fuji Paper.
We don’t call it Perfect Paper for nothing. Ask any stylist and they will say Fuji Paper is the best quality paper out there for permanent texture and color processing services. Fuji Paper delivers an end paper than has no real competition. The proprietary hole pattern, unique to Fuji Perfect Paper, has 400% more saturation than ordinary end paper. It’s tear resistant and has a strong grip even when it gets wet. And to be environmentally conscious the paper is biodegradable. Perfect Paper jumbo sheets are pre-folded to save you wrapping time. And with our dispensers, when a paper is pulled, a new one pops up! During color processing, Perfect Paper provides better hairline color/grey coverage and prevents dripping. What more can you ask for in a paper!